Robert M. Traynor, Ed.D., MBA, FNAP
Audiology Consultant

Audiology Consultant
Advisor and trainer to hearing industry companies and private practices around the world.
Audiology Instructor at the Salus University, Rush University, and others.
Forensic Audiologist
Expert witness in 70 cases, 7 depositions, and 4 trials with specialization in hearing, tinnitus, and vestibular injuries.
Clinical Audiologist
46 years experience as a practicing audiologist.
Contributor to Hearing Health & Technology Matters and co-author of Strategic Practice Management with Dr. Robert Glaser.
Presenter at National and State Association conferences.

Robert M. Traynor is a board-certified audiologist with 46 years of clinical practice in audiology. He is a hearing industry consultant, trainer, professor, conference speaker, practice manager and author. He has 45 years experience teaching courses and training clinicians within the field of audiology with specific emphasis in hearing and tinnitus rehabilitation. Adjunct Faculty in Audiology at the University of Florida, University of Northern Colorado, University of Colorado and The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Experience includes:
- Clinical Audiology and Hearing Assessment
- Hearing Rehabilitative Treatment
- Tinnitus Treatment and Rehabilitation (Since 1978)
- Lifestyle Implications of Hearing loss and Tinnitus/Hyperacusis
- Hearing Instruments and Hearing Instrument Fittings
- Professional Selling techniques
- Air bag deployment and Hearing/Tinnitus injuries
- Audiology Practice Management
- Cranial Nerve Monitoring – Otolaryngology Cases
- 70 cases, 7 depositions, and 4 trials with specialization in hearing, tinnitus, and vestibular injuries. Cases have involved Workman’s Compensation, The American Disabilities Act, Occupational Noise Exposure, the Federal Railroad Association, Department of Corrections, Audiology Malpractice, motor vehicle accidents, product injury, and others.
- Hearing Aid and Equipment Product Training of Distributors in 40 countries
- Hearing Aid and Audiometric Equipment Research and Development Teams
- Author
- Professor of Audiology, Audiology Program Director
- State and National Convention Speaker
Robert M. Traynor Curriculum Vitae
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